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Young Adults

Summer Grove Young Adult Ministry is a place for those out of high school, in college, working full time, & post college. Basically, we exist to be a community for those ranging from 18 years old to early 30s who are not married. It’s sometimes difficult to find your place in church ministry at this stage in life, but SGYA Ministry is here to do exactly that; show you that you have value and purpose in the body of Christ! We desire to know you but also for you to be known.

Join us on Tuesday nights for our weekly YA disciplship gathering: 5:30-7:00pm is fellowship, games, & snacks and 7:00pm begins our lesson and small group time. We hope to see you there!

The Collective for 18 to mid-20 year olds Sundays at 10:00 am led by Katy Spaugh in room 311.

The Journey for mid-20 to early-30 year olds @ Sundays at 10:00 am led by Katy Spaugh (our Young Adult Minister here at SG) in room 310.

What’s Happening



  • Women's Bible Study | Frances Anderson
    2/18 - 10:00am | Room 108 - The Hotspot
  • GriefShare Support Group
    2/18 - 2:30pm | Room 202
  • Young Adult Ministry
    2/18 - 5:45pm | Room 311 (Students)
  • GriefShare Support Group
    2/18 - 6:00pm | Room 202
  • Compassion House Open Dates
    2/19 - 1:00pm | CH Offices


Katy Spaugh
[email protected]