One of our many expressions at Summer Grove, is Summer Grove en Español! We offer Sunday morning Sunday School at 10:00 am and Worship in Español at 11:00 am. Our Wednesday night schedule is a 6:00 Bible Study and 7:00 ESL (English as a Second Language). We have activities for all ages of children during adult classes and worship. Summer Grove en Español also offers trips and activities throughout the year for fellowship and outreach.
En el servicio Hispano nos motiva entregar la palabra de Dios a nuestra comunidad hispanohablante. La obra misionera antes solo involucraba saliendo de nuestras fronteras para alcanzar al mundo para Cristo pero hoy la cosecha esta lista aquí donde vivimos. Dios nos a dado un anhelo apacentar a sus ovejas por enseñanzas bíblicas, predicación expositiva, y cantos de buena teología.
In the Hispanic service we are eager to deliver the word of God to our Spanish speaking community. Missionary work used to involve leaving our borders to reach people for Christ in a distant land, but today the harvest is plentiful right here where we work and live. Our God given passion is to feed His sheep through sound biblical teaching, expository preaching, and singing good theology.