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Adult Discipleship


 Over 30 Sunday School for adults of all walks of life meet on Sunday mornings with the goal of reaching people, teaching people, and ministering to people! These groups offer opportunities to study and understand God’s Word in a way that will transform our lives so that we can impact those around us at home, work, and everywhere we go.  Classes for singles, couples, men’s classes, women’s classes, and classes that are representations of various stages of life enjoy fellowship, prayer, and seeking God’s word on how to live missionally together, not just knowing the Word, but living it out 


Men’s, women’s, and co-ed studies throughout the week, many of which meet on Wednesday night, help us study specific books and topics from the Bible.  Classes on Financial Peace, parenting, Griefshare, Divorce Care, and other studies that draw us closer to Jesus, make us more effective followers of His. 


C-Groups are small groups that focus on a specific Bible study, scripture memory, and prayer. These groups are gender specific (men with men and women with women) and range from 3-6 people in attendance. They meet whenever and wherever it is convenient. Twice a year they carry out a mission project as a group.  This is a yearlong commitment with breaks for holidays and the summer if so decided by the group.

What’s Happening

Adult Ministries

NEXT ministry

Our NEXT Ministry equips 18-25 year-olds for the challenges that come as you move out into the world after high school.  Grow deeper in your faith, Grow deeper in your ministry, allow God to guide the steps that come NEXT!


Our Men’s Ministry offers opportunities for men to connect, grow, and walk with other men in our quest for authentic, Godly manhood.  Through Bible Studies, events such as Men’s Conferences and Sportsman’s Night Out, we seek to equip men to live by a higher standard through the transformational power of the Gospel.


Our Women’s Ministry offers opportunities for women to connect, grow, and walk with other women in our quest for authentic, Godly womanhood.  

mature adults

If you are 55 years old and up, we invite you to join us; where you’ll find instant friendships, great fellowship and solid Biblical teaching in a loving environment centered around our amazing God. 

We sing—We serve—We study—We play, so come on in!  You’ll feel right at home.



  • Women's Bible Study | Frances Anderson
    2/18 - 10:00am | Room 108 - The Hotspot
  • GriefShare Support Group
    2/18 - 2:30pm | Room 202
  • Young Adult Ministry
    2/18 - 5:45pm | Room 311 (Students)
  • GriefShare Support Group
    2/18 - 6:00pm | Room 202
  • Compassion House Open Dates
    2/19 - 1:00pm | CH Offices


Lori Bennett
[email protected]